I'm not real sure if i can hold this blog up.But as i go through all my worldwideweb hullabaloo - just because i have to learn my thesis from next week and i'm to lazy to do anything - i stumble over my old live. As i had so much time to scan all the cards i've received - then in the old life, as we just could send 5 postacrd at the same time- that was a peacefull world. Lived in a big room with a nice garden in the suburbia - now i'm living in the town - close to the maincity, old city (5 min. by walk) with 3 other students. I'm on my last semesters at university (god bless me when i don't fell the thesis next week) so time is little. And the best i have a boyfriend who needs me ;) Well let's see if it's work - my pledge - if i can fullfill it! I just tagged several users in the tag so the first cards aren't far away anymore!